Computer Science 385
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Spring 2017, Siena College
Lecture 6: Brute-Force Algorithms
Date: Friday, February 3, 2017
- Announcements
- If your group did not complete Lab 3: Algorithm Analysis Practice, you may submit until the start of your lab meeting on February 7
- Exam 1 information coming soon
- Homework Set 1: [HTML] [PDF] continues through Friday - you should be able to do all problems after today's class
- Brute-force algorithms
- sorting: bubble sort and selection sort
- string matching
- in-class exercise: Levitin Exercise 3.1.4, p. 102
- closest pairs
- convex hulls
- brute-force algorithms
- sorting
- bubble sort
- selection sort
- string matching, pattern/substring, test
- closest pairs
- convex hull
- extreme points