Computer Science 385
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Spring 2017, Siena College
Lecture 11: More Decrease and Conquer; Introduction to Divide and Conquer
Date: Friday, March 3, 2017
- Announcements
- You can continue work on Lab 5 until the start of your next lab on Tuesday.
- Homework Set 2 Out
- Decrease and conquer
- Levitin describes several more decrease and conquer algorithms
- We will consider one more "decrease by one": topological sort
- Please read about generating permutations and subsets
- And one more "decrease by a constant factor": the fake coin problem
- Divide and conquer
- directed acyclic graph/dag
- topological sort
- source removal algorithm for topological sort
- generating permutations of a list
- generating subsets of a list
- binary search
- fake coin problem
- master theorem
- mergesort