Computer Science 385
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Spring 2017, Siena College
Lab 8: Greedy Algorithms
Due: Start of your next lab session
You will be assigned groups of size 2 or 3 for this lab. Only one
submission per group is needed. Please have your instructor initial
in each box as you complete each task.
Question 1: Hashing Practice:
Complete Levitin Exercises 7.3.1 and 7.3.2 on p. 274-275. (10 points)
If you have not studied or do not recall the details of heaps and
heapsort, please review Levitin Section 6.4 and/or the topic
notes on Heaps linked from the schedule page.
Question 2: Consider the construction of a min-heap by starting with an
empty heap, then inserting values in a given order. Show the min-heap
after each of the values 2, 8, 97, 31, 12, 3, and 39 are added to an
initially empty heap. (6 points)
Question 3: Consider the construction of a min-heap as done in the first phase
of a heapsort. Start with an array containing the values 2, 8, 97,
31, 12, 3, and 39. Show the contents of the array (in array or tree
form, your choice) after each non-trivial iteration of the first phase
of the heapsort (which goes from an unsorted array to a min-heap). (7
Question 4: Finally, show the transformation from the min-heap you just
constructed to a sorted array, completing the heapsort procedure. (7
Question 5: Consider a binary min-heap like the ones in Levitin Section 6.4.
a. Which locations in a binary min-heap of n elements could
possibly contain the third-smallest element? (3 points)
b. Which locations in a binary min-heap of n elements could
possibly contain the largest element? (2 points)
The heaps we have seen here, where the heap is represented by
a binary tree stored in an array, are one specific case of a more
general structure called a d-heap. In a d-heap, each node has
up to d children. So the binary heaps you would have seen before
would be 2-heaps. For the questions below, assume that the minimum
value is stored at the root node (i.e., that it is a min-heap).
Question 6: Show the construction of a 2-heap that results from the following
values being inserted: 18, 9, 23, 17, 1, 43, 65, 12. How many
comparisons are needed? (8 points)
Question 7: Show the construction of a 3-heap that results from the following
values being inserted: 18, 9, 23, 17, 1, 43, 65, 12. How many
comparisons are needed? (8 points)
Question 8: For the heap element at position i in the underlying array of a
3-heap, what are the positions of its immediate chidren and its
parent? (Give formulas in terms of i.) (2 points)
Question 9: For the heap element at position i in the underlying array of a
d-heap, what are the positions of its immediate chidren and its
parent? (Give formulas in terms of i and d.) (2 points)
Question 10: Show the construction of a 1-heap that results from the following
values being inserted: 18, 9, 23, 17, 1, 43, 65, 12. How many
comparisons are needed? (5 points)
Question 11: Show the construction of a 7-heap that results from the following
values being inserted: 18, 9, 23, 17, 1, 43, 65, 12. How many
comparisons are needed? (5 points)
Read Levitin Section 9.2 about Kruskal's Algorithm, and then
complete the problem below.
Question 12: Using the style as shown in Levitin Figure 9.5, p. 326,
demonstrate the steps of Kruskal's Algorithm on the graphs in
Levitin Exercise 9.2.1, p. 331-332. (15 points, 6 for part a,
9 for part b)
Question 13: Using the graph below, (credit: Bailey Problem 16.7, p. 436), use
Dijkstra's Algorithm to compute the shortest distance from Dover to
Phoenix by filling in the tables below, using the algorithm and
notation as shown in the example from class. (25 points)
Fill in version of this document or create an equivalent table of your own.
which is a map of cities as keys to the shortest distance from Dover
to the last edge traversed on that shortest route as values.
It is easiest to specify edges by the labels of their endpoints rather
than the edge label itself, which might not be unique.
Also, use the table
on the PDF version of this document or create an equivalent table of your own
to keep track of your priority queue. Remember,
don't erase entries when you remove them from the queue, just cross
them out and mark them with a number in the "Seq" column of the table
entry to indicate the sequence in which the values were removed from
the queue.