Computer Science 385
Competitive Programming
Spring 2015, The College of Saint Rose
We will start out by spending 2 weeks (no class next week!) looking at the problem set from a recent ACM Regional Programming Contest: the 2014 Greater New York Regional Competition. Note that C solutions are provided, but please do not refer to these until you have taken some time to read through the problems and have attempted your own solutions.
Make your best attempt, working with your classmates, if you wish, at these problems. Try to complete A, B, and D, without looking at the solution code at all. Bring your solutions and be prepared to discuss solution code for at least 3 (2 of A, B, D, and at least one other) of the problems when we meet on January 26.
We will use this problem set as we start our discussions of how to approach these kinds of problems during our next meeting.