Computer Science 381
Programming Unix in C

Fall 2015, The College of Saint Rose

Lab 11: Advanced Pointers and Callbacks
Due: 11:59 PM, Friday, December 4, 2015

In this, your final lab assignment, you will learn about some of the more advanced usage of C's pointers, and a few other items of importance that did not make it into previous labs.

Assorted Unix Fun

There are a number of Unix commands or options to commands that are well worth knowing about that have not come up so far. Here are a few to experiment with:

cd -
tail -f
fg, bg, kill
ps -auxw

Question 1: Give a brief description of each command above. Tip: try strings on one of your executables generated from compiling and linking a C program. (10 points)

Handling Command-Line Parameters

We have seen that you can retrieve the command line parameters to a program through the argc and argv parameters to your program's main function. You might have noticed that many of the Unix commands you've learned about this semester make heavy use of command-line parameters. These often are switches that start with - or --. For example, see the man page for ls. You can imagine that simply parsing the command line parameters to decide what the command is supposed to do can be a complex task.

The C standard library provides a mechanism to parse these command-line parameters more easily and efficiently: getopt. See the description in section 3 of the manual: getopt(3).

See the following example for some ways to make use of this utility.

See Example:

Practice Program: Add three new command-line options to this program. One is a required parameter specifying the name of an output file, to be specified with -o or -output-file. The second is a flag that would turn on a "debug mode" in the program by setting a variable debug to 1 (its default should be 0 if the flag is not specified), to be specified with -d or -debug. The last is a number which represents the enrollment in a class, is required, and must be positive, to be specified with the -e or -enrollment flags. (10 points)

Function Pointers/Callbacks

Section 5.11 of K&R shows you a way you can write a sort function to sort data in multiple ways by specifying a function pointer as one of the parameters to the sort function. In this case, this would be a comparator function that knows how to compare two values during the swap procedure. This idea is formalized in Java with the Compatator interface, but as usual, in C, we can achieve similar functionality but without the formal language or API support.

Make sure you understand how this works, then look at the qsort function provided by the C standard library (man qsort). This works similarly to the one in K&R, but works on an arbitrary array of any data type.

Some examples of qsort in action:

See Example:

Practice Program: Add functionality to the above example. Your program should be able to sort floating point values either in ascending or descending order, and should introduce the ability to read in and sort at least one new data type (a struct that holds some non-trivial data) by at least two different criteria. (15 points)

For another way to use function pointers in a way somewhat like an iterator, see the function sll_visit_all and its usage in the previous example:

See Example:

Practice Program: Add a callback function find_max and a call to sll_visit_all that demonstrates its use to the slltest.c program in the above example. (5 points)

This lab is worth 40 points, as broken down below.


Please submit all required files as email attachments to terescoj AT by 11:59 PM, Friday, December 4, 2015. Be sure to check that you have used the correct file names and that your submission matches all of the submission guidelines listed on the course home page. In order to email your files, you will need to transfer them from mogul to the computer from which you wish to send the email. There are a number of options, including the sftp command from the Mac command line.


Grading Breakdown

Lab question 10 points
getopt enhancement 10 points
qsort enhancement 15 points
find_max enhancement 5 points