Computer Science 381
Programming Unix in C
Fall 2013, The College of Saint Rose
In this week's lab, the first of two labs due before Thanksgiving break, you will focus on string processing - first with a few useful Unix commands, then using C.
Unix Text Processing Utilities
As mentioned in last week's lab, much of the real power of the Unix command line comes from the ability to construct a pipeline of relatively simple commands to perform complex tasks. This week, you will look at two powerful building blocks: awk and sed.
We will only touch on the basics - these commands can do far more. There are too many tutorials, examples, and other online resources to mention. Many of those found on the first couple pages of appropriate web search results are quite good.
awk is actually a programming language in itself, but is frequently used to extract or transform lines of a text file, often as part of a pipeline of commands. Its name comes from the names of its original authors: Aho, Weinberger, and Kernighan. It is also comes in closely-related variants nawk and gawk.
As a simple example, if you have a file of names called namelist in the format:
John Smith Mary Jones Alan Williams Josephine Adams
you could print only the last names (i.e., the second column of words) with the command:
awk '{ print $2 }' namelist
or in "Last, First" format with the command:
awk '{ printf $2 ", " $1 "\n"}' namelist
If such a list of names were to be generated by a program, we could transform "First Last" output to the "Last, First" format, then sort alphabetically by last name in a pipeline:
prog | awk '{ printf $2 ", " $1 "\n"}' | sort
The output on mogul in /home/cs381/labs/ooc should be:
intqueuetest is owned by terescoj and has size 6920 README is owned by terescoj and has size 254
Note: you will have to pipe the output of "ls -l" through the
command grep -v "^total"
to omit the "total" line that is
produced by ls -l.
The above awk commands generate output for each input line. awk also has special keywords BEGIN and END that specify output at the start or end of the output. Back to the name list example:
awk 'BEGIN { printf "Last, First\n" } \ { printf $2 ", " $1 "\n"} \ END { printf "The end.\n" } ' namelist
would produce:
Last, First Smith, John Jones, Mary Williams, Alan Adams, Josephine The end.
Hints: print the 5th field of each line of the output of ls -l preceded by (or succeeded by) a +, then use a BEGIN (or END) statement in your awk program to produce an output like:
then pipe that output to the bc command to do the arithmetic and produce the answer.
Next, sed, the "stream editor", is used to edit an input stream according to some rules to produce output.
For example, the following command would change all instances of the word "John" to "Bob" in the file namelist and send the modified output to standard out.
sed "s/John/Bob/g" namelist
Note that this does not change the contents of the input file. But it prints out:
Bob Smith Mary Jones Alan Williams Josephine Adams
In the command, the first parameter to sed specified the rule to apply. Here, we search for "John", replace it with "Bob", globally (as opposed to a single instance).
The big caveat here is that this will replace all instances of "John" with "Bob", even if it's not a first name. Suppose one of the last names is "Johnson" - it would become "Bobson".
Strings in the C Standard Library
We have used several of the functions from the C standard library from the string.h header file. Take a look at the list in Section B3 of K&R, and the man page for string on your favorite Unix system.
Programming Assignment
There is an online dictionary /usr/share/dict/words on mogul.strose.edushort that is used by utilities such as the aspell command. You know that a palindrome is a word or phrase that reads the same in either direction, i.e., if you reverse all the letters you get the same word or phrase. A word is palindromic if its reverse is also in the dictionary. For example, "noon" is palindromic, because it is a palindrome and hence its reverse is trivially in the dictionary. A word like "draw" is palindromic because "ward" is also in the dictionary.
Your task is write a C program to find all palindromic words in the dictionary.
Your program should have the following phases:
Aside: I figured this out with the command
awk ' { if (length($1) > max) max = length($0) } \ END { print max } ' words
and the longest word is "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis".
The first several words in the dictionary start with numbers and many
throughout start with punctuation such as -
; you should ignore
them. In fact, ignore any word that contains any character other than
lowercase letters.
The program should be fairly straightforward, but it will likely take longer than you expect to implement. Please ask if you run into trouble!
You may use the timer.c and timer.h code from the shared area for this lab. Start the clock (take a timer reading) after loading the dictionary and just before you start finding palindromic words; read the timer again as soon as you have finished. Write the elapsed time for the compute phase to stdout.
To summarize, your program should have the following output:
This program and its Makefile is worth 40 points as broken down below.
Please submit all required files as email attachments to terescoj AT by 10:25 AM, Wednesday, December 4, 2013. Be sure to check that you have used the correct file names and that your submission matches all of the submission guidelines listed on the course home page.
Grading Breakdown | |
Lab questions | 10 points |
Program correctness | 25 points |
Program error checking | 2 points |
Program memory management | 2 points |
Program documentation | 5 points |
Program efficiency | 5 points |
Makefiles | 1 point |