Computer Science 340
Programming Languages
Fall 2019, Siena College
Lecture 19: Datatypes
Date: Monday, October 22, 2019
- Announcements
- Informational session by the Siena Center for Innovation and
Entrepreneurship, Wednesday 10/23 at 12:45 in RB 340. See the
email from Dr. Small for more information and RSVP to her if you
would like to attend.
- Language Project
: use the shared document to mention your ideas,
form teams, etc.
- No office hours tomorrow, extra time today 3:45-5:00
- Problem Set 5: [HTML] [PDF] underway, form your groups,
create your repositories
- New reading and group assignment: Sebesta Ch. 7, see your
email for the link to the shared document to edit. New deadline
- Every question must have its initial answer by Thursday
evening, and everyone is required to provide at least one
initial answer. Groups break down their set of questions as
they see fit.
- All group members should comment on each response, and edits
must be complete with agreed-upon responses in the document
before we meet next Monday.
- Data types
- arrays
- associative array/hash
- keys
- record
- tuple
- list
- unions
- free unions/discriminated unions
- pointer
- reference
- indirect addressing
- assignment
- dereferencing
- pointer arithmetic
- dangling reference
- memory leak
- lost heap-dynamic variables/garbage
- ratios
- union
- python_list
- isort