Lecture 25 - Final Project Presentations
- Announcements
- Final Project Presentations
- Chem-Bio-CS picnic tomorrow 4 PM. Join us.
- Please submit final papers as a PS or PDF file. Also submit
code and documentation. E-mail me with the filename. If you would
like to demonstrate your code, please also do so this week.
Everything is due at 4 PM tomorrow.
- Final exam ground rules are very similar to the midterm. You
will have 24 hours, expect to need 3 or 4. You can use your own class
notes, my online lecture notes, web sites linked directly from the
lecture notes, and the textbooks. You will be able to submit
responses in blue books or you may type up and print your responses.
- 9:55-10:15 - Doshi, Hodas, and Mevorach
- 10:20-10:40 - Gee
- 10:45-11:05 - Bennett