Lecture 9 - MPI Examples
- Announcements
- Sample Applications
- Conway's Game of Life
- Computing the Mandelbrot Set
- Matrix-Matrix Multiplication
- NCSA account information is in, at least for some. Pick up
forms, try logging in.
- NPACI account information is in. Forms and instructions here.
Please try logging in.
- TotalView is back.
- Groups - if you are working in a group and want to share files
safely, get yourself a Unix group. See Mary.
The first part of the notes on MPI Applications are available in
Lecture 8.
Here is an improved Mandelbrot calculator:
mand-mpi-better.tgz Also available in /home/faculty/terescoj/shared/cs338/lect09.
Matrix-matrix multiplication using message passing is not as
straightforward as matrix-matrix multiplication using shared memory
and threads. Why?
- Since our memory is not shared, which processes have copies of
the matrices?
- Where does the data start out? Where do we want the answer to
be in the end?
- How much data do we replicate?
- What are appropriate MPI calls to make all this happen?