Lecture 8 - Message Passing Interface



Message Passing Interface (MPI)

The first part of the notes on MPI are available in Lecture 7.

MPI - Collective Communication functions

mpicoll.tgz Also available in /home/faculty/terescoj/shared/cs338/lect08.

MPI - Scatter/Gather

mpiscatgath.tgz Also available in /home/faculty/terescoj/shared/cs338/lect08.

To understand what is going on with the various broadcast and scatter/gather functions, consider this figure, taken from the MPI Standard, p.91

Sample Applications

Conway's Game of Life

The Game of Life was invented by John Conway in 1970. The game is played on a field of cells, each of which has eigh neighbors (adjacent cells). A cell is either occupied (by an organism) or not. The rules for deriving a generation from the previous one are:

The game is very interesting in that complex patterns and cycles arise. Do a google search to find plenty of Java applets you can try out.

Serial version: life.tgz Also available in /home/faculty/terescoj/shared/cs338/lect08.

MPI version: mpilife.tgz Also available in /home/faculty/terescoj/shared/cs338/lect08.

Computing the Mandelbrot Set

Some Mandelbrot Set Information and pictures

Java Threads version: mand-java.tgz Also available in /home/faculty/terescoj/shared/cs338/lect08.

MPI version: mand-mpi.tgz Also available in /home/faculty/terescoj/shared/cs338/lect08.