This assignment includes items to be done individually and items that you may do in groups of two. You will need to submit two files. hw05.txt should include your answers to the first two questions and must be done individually. The program for the third item should be submitted as hw05.tar. If you work in a group on the program, only one group member needs to submit hw05.tar. Please use the filenames specified and be sure to include your name in each file.
Most of the requirements for the program are the same as those from the previous lab.
Honor code guidelines: While the programs are to be done only by you (meaning your group, if you choose to work in a group), along the lines of a laboratory program, I want to encourage you to ask questions and discuss the programs with me, our TA, and with classmates outside your group, as you develop it. However, no sharing of code between groups is permitted. If you have any doubts, please check first and avoid honor code problems later.
Grading guidelines: Your grade for the programs will be determined by correctness, design, documentation, and style, as well as the required items in the detailed comments and README file.