Computer Science 335
Parallel Processing and High Performance Computing
Fall 2024, Siena College
Lecture 9: Collective Communication
Date: Friday, October 4, 2024
- Announcements
- Lab 5: Non-Blocking Messages [HTML] [PDF] should be done
- Lab 6: Collective Communication Practice [HTML] [PDF], finish by Monday
- Programming Project 4: Collective Communication [HTML] [PDF] due Tuesday
- since it builds on your MPI RDS implementation from
Programming Project 3: MPI Recursive Digit Sum [HTML] [PDF], let's make
sure everyone leaves the room today with a working solution to
- Stampede3 accounts update
- More on Monte Carlo pi approximation: explanation and visualization
- All-class work on Lab 6: Collective Communication Practice [HTML] [PDF]
- In-class exercise: We will work together on Pacheco
Exercise 3.11 on p. 142 (might delay to Monday).
- Remaining time for lab/project work