Computer Science 335
Parallel Processing and High Performance Computing
Fall 2024, Siena College
Lecture 8: Non-Blocking Messages, Collective Communication
Date: Monday, September 30, 2024
- Announcements
- Continue to read/skim Chapter 3: we are up to 3.4.
- Lab 4: Point to Point Communication [HTML] [PDF] should be done
- Programming Project 3: MPI Recursive Digit Sum [HTML] [PDF] due tomorrow
- Looking at some recent labs
- This week's labs
- Lab 5: Non-Blocking Messages [HTML] [PDF], finish by Thursday
- Lab 6: Collective Communication Practice [HTML] [PDF], finish by Monday
- Programming Project 4: Collective Communication [HTML] [PDF] introduction
- deadlock
- non-blocking/immediate mode messages
- collective communication
- reduction