Computer Science 335
Parallel Processing and High Performance Computing
Fall 2024, Siena College
Lecture 19: OpenMP Wrapup; Introduction to Scientific Computation
Date: Friday, November 22, 2024
- Announcements
- Final Project
- progress reports before Thanksgiving break
- Submit your documents for the "In-Class OpenMP" assignment on
Canvas to earn your 25 lab/assignment points
- we have a new leader!
- Wrap up of Lab 10: OpenMP Practice, complete
timings and submit your responses to the questions and commit your
version of the code by December 2
- Scientific Computation
- distributed data structures
- adaptivity and linked structures
- distributed data structure
- adaptive computation
- mesh
- structured vs. unstructured mesh
- regions/volumes
- faces
- edges
- vertices
- elements
- adaptive refinement
- mesh partitioning