Computer Science 335
Parallel Processing and High Performance Computing
Fall 2024, Siena College
Lecture 12: MPI on Stampede3; Review
Date: Monday, October 14, 2024
- Announcements
- Last meeting for 10 days!
- Submission/grading updates
- Note update to Programming Project 4: Collective Communication [HTML] [PDF]
Stampede3 task, please make those runs after you have completed
today's lab
- Lab 7: Stampede3 Setup - wrap up today, or
at least by Wednesday at the very latest
- Programming Project 5: Parallelizing Jacobi Iteration [HTML] [PDF]
in progress, due after the October break
- Midterm exam information
- 15% of the course grade
- during class on Friday, October 25
- all pencil and paper, including some very brief coding tasks
- all topics to this point in the class are fair game, most of
the focus will be on things we did in labs and projects
- block and interleaved domain decomposition/bag of tasks, and
variations on these approaches
- message passing: blocking send/receive, non-blocking
send/receive, collective communication (broadcast, scatter,
gather, reduce, scan, barrier, and how these can be implemented
from basic sends and receives)
- a formula sheet will be provided for questions related to
efficiency and scalability, but the exam is otherwise closed
book/notes and no electronic devices are permitted
- Lab 8: MPI on Stampede3
- Review Q&A