Computer Science 335
Parallel Processing and High Performance Computing
Fall 2021, Siena College
Lecture 04: C Programming for Scientific Computation
Date: Monday, September 20, 2021
- Announcements
- Finish Pacheco Ch. 2 (as described on Friday) in the next
few days, see assignment below to complete before class on Friday
- Lab 1: Java Threads Practice [HTML] [PDF] due tomorrow
- Scientific computation in C
- links to examples below
- static and dynamic allocation of multi-dimensional arrays
(what's in memory?)
- timings
- Programming Project 2: Jacobi Iteration in C out
- Visualizing results of the Jacobi iteration computations
- Create XSEDE accounts
- Any remaining time to work on ongoing assignments
Written Assignment 1
Please create a shared Google document named LastnameAssign1 in
your shared Google folder, place your name and the assignment title
("Written Assignment 1") at the top of the document, and answer the
following questions in that document. This assignment is worth 20
points in the Assignment/Labs category.
- Pacheco Exercise 2.16, p. 79. You do not need to submit
the program(s) you write for this, but you should write code that
helps you answer the questions and mention specific numbers in your
answer for part a. (10 points)
- Pacheco Exercise 2.19, p. 79. Set up an equation based on
the formulas in Section 2.6, but you do not need to solve them. We
will look at some math in class on Friday. (3 points)
- Pacheco Exercise 2.21, p. 80 (2 points)
- Pacheco Exercise 2.22 part a only, p. 80 (2 points)
- Discuss Amdahl's Law in relation to the program we developed for
Lab 1. (3 points)
- matmult: Sequential matrix-matrix multiplication
- life: Sequential Conway's Game of Life simulator