Computer Science 335
Parallel Processing and High Performance Computing
Fall 2021, Siena College
Lecture 03: Decomposition Methods, Basics of Critical Sections
Date: Friday, September 17, 2021
- Announcements
- Upcoming due dates
- Read Pacheco Ch. 2 by early next week
- 2.1 gives some essential background about computer organization
- you can just skim 2.2, which is all about interesting
topics but not essential to our parallel programming focus
- we already talked about some of the key ideas in 2.3, and
we will not talk about and you will not be responsible for any
of the interconnection network details or cache coherence
- 2.4 previews approaches we will study in more detail
- 2.5 is short and important to think about
- 2.6 and 2.7 cover important topics we'll talk about next week,
read this more carefully
- 2.8 and 2.9 are some quick tips about parallel programming
that will become useful when we switch to C
- 2.10 is a summary, focus only on the material related to
sections we focused on
- Programming Project 1: Introduction to Jacobi Iteration [PDF] due this afternoon
- Lab 1: Java Threads Practice [HTML] [PDF]
- it has been expanded a bit and now due Tuesday
- we will continue working through in class as a group
- when we have finished the in-class coding tasks, your
remaining work will be to perform some timings and answer
questions in the of your repository
- The bag of tasks approach and critical sections
- Adding a bag of tasks to Lab 1: Java Threads Practice [HTML] [PDF]