Computer Science 330
Operating Systems
Fall 2022, Siena College
Lecture 0x14: Exam Info; Shell Recap
Date: Friday, December 9, 2022
- Announcements
- Keep it going for a little longer
- Advent of Code bonus available up to the morning of our final
exam: gold stars worth 2 points, silver stars worth 1, up to a
total of 20 programming project points (problems are getting
harder but you can still go back and do the easier ones)
- Programming Project 4: Roger Bacon Shell with Pipes and
Redirection [HTML] [PDF] demos completed by Monday, December 12
- Lab 8: Working Set Simulation [HTML] [PDF] due today, bonus
simulator implementation due Monday, December 12
- Please complete course evaluations (lecture, not lab)
- Final exam info
- Exam is 8:30 AM, Thursday, December 15, RB 340
- Same format and rules as the first two exams
- Focus on the late-semester topics: memory management, virtual
memory, file systems, I/O, shell project
- There will be some material repeated from earlier exams
- Preparation guide with a couple example questions
- Looking at the "Siena Golf Cart Problem"
- Shell project
- looking at reference solution code
- adding support for background processes