Computer Science 330
Operating Systems
Fall 2022, Siena College
Lecture 0x09: Process Synchronization
Date: Monday, October 24, 2022
- Announcements
- The next readings/activities from OS zyBook: Chapter 5, due Friday, October 28 before class
- Grading soon: Lab 3: Concurrency [HTML] [PDF] and
Lab 4: Interleavings [HTML] [PDF]
- Programming Project 2: Semaphores [HTML] [PDF] due at the end of the week
- Exam 1 recap
- Process Synchronization
- let's be dining philosophers
- another look at the Sleeping Barber
- the monitor concept, and condition variables
- Exercise 4.5.4
- Exercise 4.5.6
- a quick look at semaphore implementations