Computer Science 330
Operating Systems
Fall 2022, Siena College
Lecture 0x07: Concurrency; Semaphores; Threads
Date: Friday, October 7, 2022
- Announcements
- Exam 1 Monday in class
- Siena break spans our next two class meetings on October 14 and October 17
- Over that time, you will have some tasks, likely an additional
small lab to work through - watch your email after the exam on
- Our October 21 we will meet at our usual time but on Zoom, as
I will be traveling to a conference
- The next readings/activities from OS zyBook: Chapter 4, Section 5, due October 21
- A look at the reference solution to Programming Project 1: CPU Scheduler Simulation [HTML] [PDF]
- More on cooperating processes, critical sections
- the producer-consumer problem
- critical sections
- requirements: mutual exclusion, progress, bounded waiting
- 2-process algorithms
- n-process algorithms
- hardware support for process synchronization
- atomic test-and-set
- bounded wait using atomic test-and-set
- atomic swap instruction
- Starting on Lab 3: Concurrency [HTML] [PDF]