Computer Science 330
Operating Systems
Fall 2022, Siena College
Lecture 0x03: Processes, Threads, and Resources
Date: Monday, September 19, 2022
- Announcements
- The next readings/activities from OS zyBook: Chapter 3, due Friday, September 23
- See me in office hours if you have any trouble wrapping up Lab 1: Unix Setup [HTML] [PDF], no late penalties will apply
- No class meeting on Friday this week, I will be out of town
- please use the time slot for work on the project that's coming out today
- Looking at more of the exercises for OS zyBook Chapter 2
- Process creation in FreeBSD
- Programming Project 1: CPU Scheduler Simulation [HTML] [PDF] introduction
- design for the fast-food restaurant DES model
- a close look at this DES model
- CPU state
- physical CPU
- time sharing
- virtual CPU
- process creation hierarchy
- create process function
- destroy process function
- resource control block (RCB)
- allocated resource/free resource
- request resource function
- release resource function
- scheduler function