Computer Science 330
Operating Systems
Fall 2020, Siena College
Lecture 0x05: Scheduling; Virtual Server Setup; Lab/Project Work
Date: Friday, September 11, 2020
- Announcements
- The next readings/activities from OS zyBook: Chapter 4, due September 18
- Programming Project 1: A Process Tree [HTML] [PDF] due Monday
- Lab 4: System V Shared Memory [HTML] [PDF] due Monday
- OS class of 19 years ago
- Scheduling (Chapter 3)
- Setting up your virtual Linux servers
- each student has a virtual Linux system on Siena's OpenNebula server, see your email for hostnames and initial passwords
- working together to get it set up
- change your root password
- install gcc and git
- create a user account for yourself and one for your instructor
- cloning, compiling, and running the forkbomb example
- Working on ongoing lab and project