Computer Science 324
Computer Architecture

Mount Holyoke College
Fall 2009

Lecture 16: More MIPS Implementation
Date: Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Bigger Lecture Assignment

Due at the start of class, Friday, November 13.

Please turn in a hard copy answer to the exercises below. We will discuss these during class, so no late submissions are accepted.

  1. P&H Exercise 4.2.4 and 4.2.6, p. 411.
  2. P&H Exercise 4.11.1, 4.11.2, 4.11.3, p. 419.
  3. Suppose you add the bne instruction to the single-cycle implementation of the CPU described in P&H Section 4.4. Print a copy of Figure 4.17 and mark on it any elements that you need to add to the datapath or the control lines. Give the values of all the control signals for this instruction.
  4. Do the same to add the jal instruction. Use a second copy of the figure and mark it up, as well as specifying all the control signals.