Computer Science 324
Computer Architecture

Mount Holyoke College
Fall 2007

Lecture 14: SIMM Layout; Memory Parity and Error Correction
Date: Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Lecture Assignment

Due at the start of class, Monday, October 29.

Turn in short answers to these questions. Please turn in a hard copy (typeset or handwritten are OK). We will discuss these questions during class, so no late submissions are accepted.

The readings for next time are P&H Ch. 5.1-5.3 and my notes on Building a Data Path.

For each of these questions, consider the error detection and correction scheme discussed in class.

  1. What 12-bit value would be stored in memory to represent the 8-bit value 0xAB?
  2. What 8-bit value is represented by the 12-bit value 0x555? Was an error detected? If so, in which bit?
  3. What 8-bit value is represented by the 12-bit value 0x557? Was an error detected? If so, in which bit?