Computer Science 324
Computer Architecture

Mount Holyoke College
Fall 2007

Lecture 06: MIPS Wrapup; Digital Logic Intro
Date: Monday, September 24, 2007


Lecture Assignment

Due at the start of class, Wednesday, September 26.

Turn in short answers to these questions. Please turn in a hard copy (typeset or handwritten are OK). We will discuss these questions during class, so no late submissions are accepted.

There are no new readings. You may refer to my notes on digital logic and to P&H Appendix B as you need clarification on any of our digital logic topics.

  1. We constructed a NAND gate from two transistors in series. What function of three inputs is obtained by placing three transistors in series?

  2. Show that the NOR gate is universal by building circuits to compute NOT, AND, and OR using only NOR gates.