Computer Science 322 Operating Systems Mount Holyoke College Spring 2008
Lecture 10: Critical Sections Using Hardware, Semaphores
Date: Wednesday, February 27, 2008
- Announcements
- Lab 2 due now, Lab 3 due Monday
- Exam information
- it is a 47 hour, 10 minute take home: Monday 10:50 AM through
Wednesday at 10:00 AM.
- take as much time as you wish, but expect to spend no more
than about 3 hours
- you may consult your own notes, the SG&G text, your graded
and ungraded labs and lecture assignments, class examples in the
cluster shared area, any of my online lecture notes, and the
assigned supplemental readings
- you may write your answers on paper, but I would prefer
typeset responses
- topics up to the end of class today are fair game
- old exam: see handout
- Lecture assignment recap: Dekker's Algorithm
- Bakery Algorithm wrapup
- Hadware support for process synchronization
- atomic test-and-set
- bounded wait using atomic test-and-set
- using atomic swap instruction
- Semaphores
- abstract synchronization primitive
- wait/signal semantics
Due at the start of class, Friday, February 29.
Turn in short answers to these questions. Please turn in a hard
copy (typeset or handwritten are OK). We will discuss these questions
during class, so no late submissions are accepted.
SG&G 6.3, 6.4
You need not turn in answers to the next two questions, but we will
discuss them briefly in class.
SG&G 6.5, 6.6
Also, take a look at the practice exam questions handed out in class.
The reading for next time take you through SG&G Section 6.5.