Computer Science 301
C Programming in Unix
Fall A 2024, Siena College
Meeting 6: More Data Structures; Function Pointers
Date: Wednesday, October 9, 2024
- Announcements
- grading update
- wrap up any late work by Friday so reference solutions/recaps can be released
- Course evaluations: please do them while they are open (10/11 through 10/17)
- Mini-assessment 3 cancelled
- Next week: final exam
- during class time
- will include short answers, at least one memory diagram, and
some programming tasks
- open book, open notes, you may use all of our class materials
- obviously you must work alone, and other resources (such as
your favorite search engine) are not permitted
- Quick recap of Mini-assessment 2
- Today: Lab 6: A Priority Queue in C and Function Pointers
- we will work together to get through as much of it as we can
- some tasks are for bonus points, not covered on the final exam
- recap will be made available shortly after the deadline so you
can take a look before the exam