Computer Science 301
C Programming in Unix
Fall A 2023, Siena College
Meeting 3: C Structures and More Pointers
Date: Thursday, September 28, 2023
- Announcements
- Grading update
- There will be a brief assessment (i.e., a quiz) at the end of
our class meeting next week where you will be asked some short
questions and to draw a memory diagram involving arrays (smaller
than the crazy arrays.c, but same idea)
- The larger memory diagram for Lab 2: C Essentials
- Today: Lab 3: More Pointers and Introduction to Structures in C
- you may work alone, informally with a classmate or two (cite
this but everyone has their own lab document copy and their own
repository), or formally with a classmate or two (share a lab
document copy, share a repository)