Computer Science 252
Problem Solving with Java

Spring 2016, The College of Saint Rose

StaticStuff BlueJ Project

Click here to download a BlueJ project for StaticStuff.

StaticStuff Source Code

The Java source code for StaticStuff is below. Click on a file name to download it.

 * Example StaticStuff: demonstrating static vs. non-static
 * variables and methods
 * Jim Teresco, The College of Saint Rose, CSC 252, Spring 2014
 * $Id: 2351 2014-05-01 01:51:25Z terescoj $

public class StaticStuff {
    // a class variable
    private static int classVar;
    // an instance variable
    private int instanceVar;

    // a constructor which will store the x parameter in classVar
    // and the y parameter in instanceVar
    public StaticStuff(int x, int y) {
        classVar = x;
        instanceVar = y;
    // a toString method for this class
    public String toString() {
        return "classVar is " + classVar + ", instanceVar is " + instanceVar;
    // the main method, which is the way to run
    // this program
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // I can access my class variable here, even in a 
        // static method
        classVar = 10;
        // But I can't access the instance variable
        //instanceVar = 20;
        // print out our class variable
        System.out.println("classVar is " + classVar);
        // so let's create an instance of this class
        StaticStuff first = new StaticStuff(17, 23);
        System.out.println("classVar is " + classVar);
        System.out.println("first: " + first);
        // and another instance of this class
        StaticStuff second = new StaticStuff(12, 15);
        System.out.println("classVar is " + classVar);
        System.out.println("first: " + first);
        System.out.println("second: " + second);