Computer Science 252
Problem Solving with Java
Spring 2016, The College of Saint Rose
BallBounceAround BlueJ Project
Click here to download a BlueJ project for BallBounceAround.
BallBounceAround Source Code
The Java source code for BallBounceAround is below. Click on a file name to download it.
import objectdraw.*; import java.awt.*; /* * Example BallBounceAround: demonstration of the effect of * gravity on a bouncing ball * * Jim Teresco, The College of Saint Rose, CSC 252, Spring 2016 * * $Id: 2329 2014-02-27 02:46:26Z terescoj $ */ public class BallBounceAround extends WindowController { public void begin() { new Text("Press to launch bouncy balls!", 0, 0, canvas); } public void onMousePress(Location point) { // each time the mouse is pressed on the canvas, a new // bouncy ball appears at that location new BouncyBall(point, canvas); } }
import objectdraw.*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.Random; /** * * Example BallBounceAround: the bouncy ball that bounces all around the * canvas. The ball starts being stationary in y at the given point and is * subject to gravity. It is given a random x speed. * * Jim Teresco, The College of Saint Rose, CSC 252, Spring 2016 */ public class BouncyBall extends ActiveObject { // the size of the ball private static final double SIZE = 20; // range of speeds in the x direction private static final double MAX_X_SPEED = 10; // animation delay time private static final int PAUSE_TIME = 33; // amount to add to ySpeed each frame to simulate gravity private static final double GRAVITY = 0.1; // we'll create a single instance of Random to be shared among // all instances of BouncyBall private static Random r = new Random(); // standard instance variables to remember the canvas // and the ball itself private DrawingCanvas canvas; private FilledOval ball; public BouncyBall(Location point, DrawingCanvas c) { // remember the canvas, which we'll need down in run canvas = c; // the ball, centered at the specified point, making sure we're not // creating partially off the canvas double xPos = point.getX() - SIZE/2; double yPos = point.getY() - SIZE/2; if (xPos > canvas.getWidth() - SIZE) { xPos = canvas.getWidth() - SIZE; } if (yPos > canvas.getHeight() - SIZE) { yPos = canvas.getHeight() - SIZE; } ball = new FilledOval(xPos, yPos, SIZE, SIZE, c); // start it up! start(); } public void run() { // choose a random x speed double xSpeed = r.nextDouble() * 2 * MAX_X_SPEED - MAX_X_SPEED; // and start y at 0, and let gravity do its thing double ySpeed = 0.0; // the ball bounces forever! while (true) { // move ball.move(xSpeed, ySpeed); // check for bouncing off the floor, but only reverse if still going down to // avoid getting "stuck" along the floor if ((ball.getY() + SIZE >= canvas.getHeight()) && (ySpeed > 0)) { ball.moveTo(ball.getX(), canvas.getHeight() - SIZE); ySpeed = -ySpeed; } // and check for bouncing off the side walls if ((ball.getX() <= 0) && (xSpeed < 0)) { xSpeed = -xSpeed; } if ((ball.getX() + SIZE >= canvas.getWidth()) && (xSpeed > 0)) { xSpeed = -xSpeed; } // acceleration due to gravity ySpeed += GRAVITY; // color code the ball based on its y speed: color component is 20*speed. // shades of red for down, blue for up Color newColor; if (ySpeed > 0) { int red = (int)(20 * ySpeed); if (red > 255) red = 255; newColor = new Color(red, 0, 0); } else { int blue = (int)(-20 * ySpeed); if (blue > 255) blue = 255; newColor = new Color(0, 0, blue); } ball.setColor(newColor); pause(PAUSE_TIME); } } }