Computer Science 252
Problem Solving with Java

Fall 2015, The College of Saint Rose

ShirtsAndPants Demo

A working demo of ShirtsAndPants will appear below. Click inside the applet to interact with it.

ShirtsAndPants BlueJ Project

Click here to download a BlueJ project for ShirtsAndPants.

ShirtsAndPants Source Code

The Java source code for ShirtsAndPants is below. Click on a file name to download it.

import objectdraw.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Random;

 * A fancier version of the laundry sorting simulation
 * that uses nicer laundry baskets and which can
 * use any laundry object which implements the 
 * Laundry interface.
 * Jim Teresco, The College of Saint Rose, Fall 2013
 * Based on example from Williams College CSCI 134
 * $Id: 2566 2015-03-05 05:07:26Z terescoj $

public class ShirtsAndPants extends WindowController {
    // Constants controlling basket locations
    private static final int BASKETTOPS = 120;    
    private static final int BASKETLEFT = 20;
    private static final int BASKETOFFSET = 100;

    // Constants controlling shirt's position and size
    private static final int ITEMLEFT = 115;			
    private static final int ITEMTOP = 10;

    // Location where score should be displayed
    private static final int SCORELINE = 200;		
    private static final int SCORELEFT = 40;

    //The piece of laundry to be sorted.
    private Laundry item;  

    // baskets for white, dark, and color washing machines.
    private LaundryBasket white;
    private LaundryBasket dark;
    private LaundryBasket colors;

    // The basket corresponding to shirt's color
    private LaundryBasket correct;

    // Determines if next laundry should be a tshirt or a pair of pants
    private Random laundryGenerator = new Random();

    // Previously noted position of mouse cursor
    private Location lastPoint;

    // counters to measure trainees accuracy
    private int numsorted, mistakes;

    // Display of current result
    private Text scoreDisplay;

    // Initializes the applet by constructing all the objects.
    public void begin(){

        white =new LaundryBasket(BASKETLEFT + 0*BASKETOFFSET, 
        dark  =new LaundryBasket(BASKETLEFT + 1*BASKETOFFSET, 
        colors=new LaundryBasket(BASKETLEFT + 2*BASKETOFFSET,

        item= new TShirt(ITEMLEFT,ITEMTOP,canvas);

        numsorted = 0;
        mistakes = 0;

        scoreDisplay = new Text("Correct: " + numsorted + 
            "    Incorrect: " + mistakes,

    // Whenever mouse is depressed, note its location
    public void onMousePress(Location point) {
        lastPoint = point;

    // If mouse is dragged from a position within the item,
    // move the item with it
    public void onMouseDrag(Location point) {
        if (item.contains(lastPoint)) {
            item.move( point.getX() - lastPoint.getX(),
                point.getY() - lastPoint.getY());
            lastPoint = point;		

    // Checks if the item has been place in the correct basket
    public void onMouseRelease(Location point){

        if (item.contains(lastPoint)) { 
            // Determine correct basket
            if ( item.colorValue() > 600 ) {
            else if ( item.colorValue() > 250 ) {
            else {

        // if the object was dragged to the correct basket
        if (correct.contains(point)) {

            // Make a new item
            if (laundryGenerator.nextInt(2) == 1) {
                item = new TShirt(ITEMLEFT,ITEMTOP,canvas);
            else {
                item = new Pants(ITEMLEFT,ITEMTOP,canvas);
        else {
            item.moveTo(ITEMLEFT, ITEMTOP);

        scoreDisplay.setText("Correct: " + numsorted +
            "    Incorrect: " + mistakes);

import objectdraw.*;

 * A Java interface that lists the methods required by
 * the "laundry" items in a more advanced version of
 * the laundry sorter program.
 * Jim Teresco, The College of Saint Rose, Fall 2013
 * Based on example from Williams College CSCI 134
 * $Id: 2218 2013-10-18 14:06:39Z terescoj $

public interface Laundry {
    // Move the laundry relative to its current position
    // Parameter:
    //    xOffset - distance to move horizontally
    //    yOffset - distance to move vertically
    public void move(double xOffset, double yOffset);
    // Move the laundry to a specific position:
    //    x - x coordinate
    //    y - y coordinate
    public void moveTo(double x, double y);
    // Remove the laundry from the canvas
    public void removeFromCanvas();
    // Return true if the point is in the laundry
    // Parameters:
    //    pt - the point to test for containment
    public boolean contains(Location pt);
    // Return the sum of the redness, blueness, and greenness 
    // of the laundry item.
    public int colorValue();


import objectdraw.*;
import java.awt.*;

 * A slightly fancier laundry basket object, encapsulating
 * the basket with its label.
 * Jim Teresco, The College of Saint Rose, Fall 2013
 * Based on example from Williams College CSCI 134
 * $Id: 2218 2013-10-18 14:06:39Z terescoj $

public class LaundryBasket {

    // Constant controlling basket sizes
    private static final int BASKETSIZE = 50; 

    // Constants controlling text positioning
    private static final int TEXTDOWNSET = 30;
    private static final int TEXTINSET = 5;

    // boundary of basket
    private FramedRect box;         

    // Create a new laundry basket
    // x,y   -- location of basket's upper left corner
    // label -- text to display within basket
    // canvas - the drawing canvas
    public LaundryBasket(double x, double y, String label       ,
    DrawingCanvas canvas) {

        box = new FramedRect(x, y, BASKETSIZE, BASKETSIZE, canvas);
        new Text(label, x + TEXTINSET, y + TEXTDOWNSET,


    // Test to see if the basket contains a point
    public boolean contains(Location point) {
        return box.contains(point);

import objectdraw.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Random;

 * A graphical object that looks a bit like pants, 
 * which implements the "Laundry" interface.
 * Jim Teresco, The College of Saint Rose, Fall 2013
 * Based on example from Williams College CSCI 134
 * $Id: 2218 2013-10-18 14:06:39Z terescoj $

public class Pants implements Laundry {

    // constants to define the dimensions of the pants
    // components
    private static final double SIZE = 90;

    private static final double HIP_WIDTH = SIZE / 3;
    private static final double HIP_HEIGHT = SIZE / 3;

    private static final double LEG_WIDTH = HIP_WIDTH / 2 - 3;
    private static final double LEG_HEIGHT = SIZE - HIP_HEIGHT;

    // rectangles that form a border around
    private FramedRect leftLegTrim, rightLegTrim, hipTrim;	

    // rectangles that form the interior color
    private FilledRect leftLeg, rightLeg, hips;

    // the initial location of the pants
    private double startX, startY;	

    // Current color of the pants
    private Color hue;							

    // Random number generator used to select colors
    private Random generator = new Random();

    // create a new pair of pants with its upper left corner at (x,y)
    public Pants(double x, double y, DrawingCanvas canvas) {

        // create boundary rectangles
        leftLegTrim = new FramedRect(x, y + HIP_HEIGHT, LEG_WIDTH, 
            LEG_HEIGHT, canvas);
        rightLegTrim = new FramedRect(x + HIP_WIDTH - LEG_WIDTH,
            y + HIP_HEIGHT, LEG_WIDTH,
            LEG_HEIGHT, canvas);
        hipTrim = new FramedRect(x, y, HIP_WIDTH, HIP_HEIGHT, canvas);

        // create interior rectangles
        leftLeg = new FilledRect(x+1, y+HIP_HEIGHT-1, LEG_WIDTH-1,
            LEG_HEIGHT+1, canvas);
        rightLeg = new FilledRect(x+HIP_WIDTH-LEG_WIDTH+1, y+HIP_HEIGHT-1,
            LEG_WIDTH-1, LEG_HEIGHT+1, canvas);
        hips = new FilledRect(x+1, y+1, HIP_WIDTH-1, HIP_HEIGHT-1, canvas);

        // remember the starting location for re-set
        startX = x;
        startY = y;


    // move the pants by specified offsets.
    public void move(double xOffset, double yOffset) {

    // move the pants to a specific position.
    public void moveTo(double x, double y) {
        move(x - hips.getX(), y - hips.getY());

    // remove the pants from the canvas
    public void removeFromCanvas() {

    // returns true if the pants contains the point; false otherwise
    public boolean contains(Location pt) {
        return hips.contains(pt) || leftLeg.contains(pt) || 

    // pick a new random color for the pants
    private void setColor() {
        hue = new Color(generator.nextInt(256),


    // get the sum of the components of the pant's color
    public int colorValue() {
        return hue.getRed() + hue.getBlue() + hue.getGreen();

import objectdraw.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Random;

 * An alternate T-shirt object, this one implements the
 * "Laundry" interface.
 * Jim Teresco, The College of Saint Rose, Fall 2013
 * Based on example from Williams College CSCI 134
 * $Id: 2218 2013-10-18 14:06:39Z terescoj $

// by including "implements Laundry" here, we are promising
// to provide implementations of all methods that are
// listed in the Laundry interface specification.
public class TShirt implements Laundry {

    // constants to define the size of the shirt
    // note how in this case, all are defined relative
    // to a single "SIZE" that we can change and
    // have all components change in an appropriate
    // proportion.
    private static final double SIZE = 120;

    private static final double SLEEVE_WIDTH = SIZE;
    private static final double SLEEVE_HEIGHT = 0.2*SIZE;

    private static final double BODY_WIDTH = 0.6*SIZE;
    private static final double BODY_HEIGHT = (0.65)*SIZE;

    private static final double BODY_INSET = 0.2*SIZE;

    private static final double NECK_WIDTH = 0.3*SIZE;
    private static final double NECK_HEIGHT = 0.06*SIZE;

    private static final double NECK_INSET = 0.35*SIZE;

    // rectangles that form a border around the shirt
    private FramedRect sleeveTrim, bodyTrim;   
    private FramedOval neckTrim;				

    // rectangles that form the interior color of the shirt
    private FilledRect body, sleeves;	
    private FilledOval neck;					

    // Current color of the shirt
    private Color hue;							

    // Random number generator used to select next object
    private Random generator = new Random();

    // create a new T-shirt with its upper left corner at (x,y).
    public TShirt(double x, double y, DrawingCanvas canvas) {
        // create boundary rectangles
        sleeveTrim = new FramedRect(x, y + NECK_HEIGHT/2, SLEEVE_WIDTH, 
            SLEEVE_HEIGHT, canvas);
        bodyTrim = new FramedRect(x + BODY_INSET, y + NECK_HEIGHT/2,
            BODY_WIDTH, BODY_HEIGHT, canvas);

        // create interior rectangles
        sleeves = new FilledRect(x+1, y+NECK_HEIGHT/2+1, SLEEVE_WIDTH-1,
            SLEEVE_HEIGHT-1, canvas);
        body = new FilledRect(x+BODY_INSET+1, y+NECK_HEIGHT/2+1,
            BODY_WIDTH-1, BODY_HEIGHT-1, canvas);

        // give it a neck hole
        neck = new FilledOval(x + NECK_INSET, y, NECK_WIDTH,
            NECK_HEIGHT, canvas);
        neckTrim = new FramedOval(x + NECK_INSET, y, NECK_WIDTH, 
            NECK_HEIGHT, canvas);

        // set the interior color

    // move the t-shirt by specified offsets.
    public void move(double xOffset, double yOffset) {

    // remove the t-shirt from the canvas.
    public void removeFromCanvas() {

    // move the t-shirt to a new upper-left coordinate position
    public void moveTo(double x, double y) {
        move(x - sleeves.getX(), y - neck.getY());

    // returns true if the t-shirt contains the point; false otherwise
    public boolean contains(Location pt) {
        return body.contains(pt) || sleeves.contains(pt) || neck.contains(pt);


    // pick a new random color for the shirt
    private void setColor() {

        hue = new Color(generator.nextInt(256),


    // get the sum of the components of the shirt's color
    public int colorValue() {
        return hue.getRed() + hue.getBlue() + hue.getGreen();