Computer Science 252
Problem Solving with Java

Fall 2015, The College of Saint Rose

Drag10ShirtsArray Demo

A working demo of Drag10ShirtsArray will appear below. Click inside the applet to interact with it.

Drag10ShirtsArray BlueJ Project

Click here to download a BlueJ project for Drag10ShirtsArray.

Drag10ShirtsArray Source Code

The Java source code for Drag10ShirtsArray is below. Click on a file name to download it.

import objectdraw.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Random;

 * Example Drag10Shirts
 * Drag one of 10 shirts around window.
 * Jim Teresco, Siena College, CSIS 120, Spring 2011
 * Updated for The College of Saint Rose, CSC 252, Spring 2014
 * $Id: 2343 2014-04-06 02:17:18Z terescoj $

public class Drag10ShirtsArray extends WindowController {

    // starting location of t-shirts
    private static final int ITEM_LEFT = 30;
    private static final int ITEM_TOP = 50;
    private static final int SND_OFFSET = 90;

    // how many shirts to draw
    private static final int NUM_SHIRTS = 10;

    // T-shirts on the screen -- an array!
    private TShirt[] shirts;

    // The piece of laundry to be moved.
    private TShirt selectedShirt;

    // Previously noted position of mouse cursor
    private Location lastPoint;

    // Whether user is actually dragging a shirt
    private boolean dragging;

    // display the shirts
    public void begin() {

        // construct the array that can hold our 10 shirts
        shirts = new TShirt[NUM_SHIRTS];

        // now create the shirts -- with random colors for now
        Random colorGen = new Random();
        int nextShirtPos = ITEM_LEFT;

        for (int shirtNum = 0; shirtNum<NUM_SHIRTS; shirtNum++) {

            shirts[shirtNum] = new TShirt(nextShirtPos, ITEM_TOP, canvas);
            shirts[shirtNum].setColor(new Color(colorGen.nextInt(256), colorGen.nextInt(256), colorGen.nextInt(256)));

            nextShirtPos = nextShirtPos + SND_OFFSET;

        selectedShirt = shirts[0]; // first shirt on top at start

    // Whenever mouse is depressed, note its location
    // and which (if any) shirt the mouse is on.
    public void onMousePress(Location point) {
        lastPoint = point;

        dragging = false;
        // test the selected shirt (which is on top) first.
        if (selectedShirt.contains(point)) {
            dragging = true;
        } else {
            for (int shirtNum = 0; shirtNum<NUM_SHIRTS; shirtNum++) {
                if (shirts[shirtNum].contains(point)) {
                    selectedShirt = shirts[shirtNum];
                    dragging = true;

    // If mouse is dragged, move the selected shirt with it
    // If didn't press mouse on a shirt, do nothing
    public void onMouseDrag(Location point) {
        if (dragging) {
            selectedShirt.move(point.getX() - lastPoint.getX(),
                point.getY() - lastPoint.getY());
            lastPoint = point;

    // move both shirts back to starting positions when mouse leaves window
    public void onMouseExit(Location point) {

        for (int shirtNum = 0; shirtNum<NUM_SHIRTS; shirtNum++) {
        dragging = false;

import objectdraw.*;
import java.awt.*;

 * Example Drag2Shirts
 * A class that defines a graphical type that looks a bit
 * like a t-shirt.
 * Jim Teresco, Siena College, CSIS 120, Spring 2011
 * Based on example from Williams College CSCI 134
 * $Id: 2218 2013-10-18 14:06:39Z terescoj $

public class TShirt {

    /* constant for overall size of the T-shirt */
    private static final double SIZE = 60;

    /* other constants defined relative to SIZE */
    private static final double SLEEVE_WIDTH = SIZE;
    private static final double SLEEVE_HEIGHT = 0.2 * SIZE;

    private static final double BODY_WIDTH = 0.6 * SIZE;
    private static final double BODY_HEIGHT = (0.65) * SIZE;

    private static final double BODY_INSET = 0.2 * SIZE;

    private static final double NECK_WIDTH = 0.3 * SIZE;
    private static final double NECK_HEIGHT = 0.06 * SIZE;

    private static final double NECK_INSET = 0.35 * SIZE;

    private double startX, startY; // the initial location of the shirt
    // Rectangles that form a border around the shirt
    private FramedRect sleeveTrim, bodyTrim; 
    private FramedOval neckTrim; 
    // Rectangles that form the interior color of the shirt
    private FilledRect body, sleeves; 
    private FilledOval neck; 

     * Create a new T-shirt with its upper left corner at (x,y) and with
     * a width of size.
    public TShirt(double x, double y, DrawingCanvas canvas) {
        // create boundary rectangles
        sleeveTrim = new FramedRect(x, 
                                    y + NECK_HEIGHT / 2,
        bodyTrim = new FramedRect(x + BODY_INSET,
                                  y + NECK_HEIGHT / 2, 

        // create interior rectangles
        sleeves = new FilledRect(x + 1,
                                 y + NECK_HEIGHT / 2 + 1,
                                 SLEEVE_WIDTH - 1, 
                                 SLEEVE_HEIGHT - 1, 
        body = new FilledRect(x + BODY_INSET + 1,
                              y + NECK_HEIGHT / 2 + 1, 
                              BODY_WIDTH - 1,
                              BODY_HEIGHT - 1, 

        // give it a neck hole
        neck = 
            new FilledOval(x + NECK_INSET, y, NECK_WIDTH, NECK_HEIGHT, canvas);
        neckTrim = 
            new FramedOval(x + NECK_INSET, y, NECK_WIDTH, NECK_HEIGHT, canvas);

        // set the interior to white

        // remember the starting location for re-set
        startX = x;
        startY = y;
     * Move the t-shirt by specified offsets.
    public void move(double xOffset, double yOffset) {
        body.move(xOffset, yOffset);
        neck.move(xOffset, yOffset);
        sleeves.move(xOffset, yOffset);
        bodyTrim.move(xOffset, yOffset);
        sleeveTrim.move(xOffset, yOffset);
        neckTrim.move(xOffset, yOffset);

     * Returns true if the t-shirt contains the point;
     * false otherwise
    public boolean contains(Location pt) {
        return bodyTrim.contains(pt) || sleeveTrim.contains(pt) || neck.contains(pt);

     * Change color of t-shirt to newColor.
    public void setColor(Color newColor) {

     * Put t-shirt in front of other objects on canvas.
    public void sendToFront() {

     * Move the t-shirt to a new upper-left coordinate position. 
    public void moveTo(double x, double y) {
        double dx = x - sleeves.getX();
        double dy = y - neck.getY();
        this.move(dx, dy);
     * Move t-shirt back to starting position.
    public void reset() {
        this.moveTo(startX, startY);