Computer Science 252
Problem Solving with Java

Fall 2015, The College of Saint Rose

Broccoli Demo

A working demo of Broccoli will appear below. Click inside the applet to interact with it.

Broccoli BlueJ Project

Click here to download a BlueJ project for Broccoli.

Broccoli Source Code

The Java source code for Broccoli is below. Click on a file name to download it.

 * Program to create a recursive graphics which looks like broccoli.
 * Written 11/4/99 by Kim Bruce
 * Modified 4/20/00 by Andrea Danyluk
 * Updated by Jim Teresco for CSC 252, The College of Saint Rose, Fall 2013
 * $Id: 2244 2013-11-06 04:54:22Z terescoj $

import objectdraw.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class Broccoli extends WindowController {
    private static final double STEM_X = 200,
    STEM_Y = 350,
    STEM_LENGTH = 80;

    private Location lastLocation;    // Where mouse was before last mouse event
    private BroccoliBranch plant;     // Broccoli object to be drawn and moved

     * Create the broccoli
    public void begin() {

        plant = new BroccoliBranch(new Location(STEM_X,STEM_Y), STEM_LENGTH, Math.PI/2.0, canvas);

    // Get ready to move broccoli
    public void onMousePress(Location pt) {
        lastLocation = pt;

    // Drag the broccoli around
    public void onMouseDrag(Location pt) {
        plant.move(pt.getX()-lastLocation.getX(), pt.getY()-lastLocation.getY());
        lastLocation = pt;


 *     Jonathan Kallay 7/14/99
 * (c) 1999 Williams College
import java.awt.*;
import objectdraw.*;

 * AngLine is an implementation of a drawable line object.
 * @author Jonathan Kallay
 * @version 1.0 last update 8/25/99
 * Updated by Jim Teresco for CSC 252, The College of Saint Rose, Fall 2013
 * $Id: 2244 2013-11-06 04:54:22Z terescoj $
public class AngLine extends Line implements LineInterface {
    private double length;
    private double angle;

     * Creates a new AngLine object.
     * @param start the starting point of the line.
     * @param dest the destination point of the line.
     * @param c the canvas in which the line is created.
    public AngLine(Location start, double length, double radianAngle, DrawingCanvas canvas){
        super(start,new Location(start.getX() + length*Math.cos(radianAngle),
                start.getY() - length*Math.sin(radianAngle)),canvas);
        this.length = length;
        angle = radianAngle;

    public Location getDest() {
        return new Location(start.getX() + length*Math.cos(angle),
            start.getY() - length*Math.sin(angle));


 * Class to recursively draw broccoli
 * From Williams College, CSC 134
 * Updated by Jim Teresco for CSC 252, The College of Saint Rose, Fall 2013
 * $Id: 2244 2013-11-06 04:54:22Z terescoj $ 
import objectdraw.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class BroccoliBranch {

    private static final double TOP_FRACT = 0.8;      // How much broccoli shrinks each call
    private static final double GROWTH_LIMIT = 20.0;  // How little a branch must be before broccoli stops expanding

    private BroccoliBranch left, center, right;       // branches of broccoli
    private AngLine stem;                         // stem of broccoli

    private FilledOval flower;                        // Flower of broccoli plant
    private static final int FLOWER_SIZE = 3;     // The size (width and height) of a flower

    private boolean bigEnough;        // Object big enough to have branches?

     * Draw broccoli by recursively drawing branches (and flower)
    public BroccoliBranch(Location startLocation, double size, double direction, DrawingCanvas canvas) {
        stem = new AngLine(startLocation,size,direction,canvas);    // Draw stem and color green

        Location destLocation = stem.getDest(); // end of stem

        bigEnough = size > GROWTH_LIMIT;

        if (bigEnough) {  // Big enough to keep growing
            left = new BroccoliBranch(destLocation, size * TOP_FRACT,
                direction + Math.PI/9.0, canvas);
            center = new BroccoliBranch(destLocation, size * TOP_FRACT,
                direction, canvas);
            right = new BroccoliBranch(destLocation, size * TOP_FRACT,
                direction - Math.PI/9.0, canvas);
        else {  // draw flower when small enough
            flower = new FilledOval(destLocation,FLOWER_SIZE,FLOWER_SIZE,canvas);

     * @param x,y amount to move broccoli
    public void move(double x, double y) {
        stem.move(x,y);     // move stem

        if (bigEnough)  {       // move rest of broccoli - three branches
        else {                    // move flower

import objectdraw.*;
 * Interface for objects that have an endpoint
 * Updated by Jim Teresco for CSC 252, The College of Saint Rose, Fall 2013
 * $Id: 2244 2013-11-06 04:54:22Z terescoj $

public interface LineInterface {

    // Return endpoin   t
    public Location getDest();