Lab 1 should now be in (although you have until Wednesday for
the written part).
Lab 2 Out. We will start promptly at 1:10 PM in TCL 312.
Please be on time. I will be helping you get things set up to use the
Palm Emulators at the start of lab, and it's best if I only have to go
through that once.
Look at shifty product example
Floating point values
decimal notation
scientific notation
floating point format: sign bit, mantissa, exponent
no need to store phantom 1 bit
many standards, hard to implement, not our concern here
vonNeumann Architecture
set of instructions and a loop: fetch, update, decode,
arithmetic logic unit (ALU) operates on values in a
scratchpad (registers), controlled by a microsequencer "brain"
connect to memory, other devices through buses
M68K Architecture
Motorola 68,000 - 68,000 transistors
16 general-purpose registers, special purpose registers,
symmetric instruction set