Computer Science 225
Advanced Programming
Spring 2022, Siena College
Lecture 3: Interfacces
Date: Monday, January 31, 2022
- Announcements
- Watch your email for extra office hours tomorrow
- Problem Set 1 due tomorrow night
- please continue to create Issues for each problem as you
have it ready for testing - don't wait until you have them all done!
- a video discussing sample solutions will be made available
- Lab 1: Java and Data Structures Refresher (in Canvas and GitHub) due 24
hours before your lab meeting this week
- I will continue to check your documents periodically, you
can email or tag me to request a quicker look
- Watch your email about pre-lab setup for Lab 2: Java
Interfaces (in Canvas and GitHub)
- Wrapping up Lecture 2 in-class
- Wrapping up the "Java You Know" recap, including running BuildingStrings
- Java Interfaces
- motivation
- implementing existing interfaces
- In-class exercise (2 assignment points, put in the same shared document from In-class 2)
- Write a method that takes an Iterator<String> as its
only parameter and returns the String that comes first
- interface
- implementing an interface
- object-oriented design
- reusable