if your group has not yet signed up on the Academic Showcase
form, please do so right away
Lab 10: Threads for Parallel Processing (in Canvas and GitHub): wrap up as soon as you can
exam improvement opportunities underway, some new times opened
up on Tuesday
Final exam info: see the shared document sent out last night
Creating and using Jar files (just a quick mention)
Animation with Collisions
Memory details for threaded programs
We will work together to draw a memory diagram for the version of
the ball tosser in the ThreadGraphicsPackage
First, we will draw the diagram (mostly for review) when the
program's run method is about to return.
Next, we will draw the situation when the mouse has been
pressed at (100,100), dragged to (150,150), and is executing at
the end of the mouseReleased method.
Finally, we will draw the situation when the mouse has been
pressed, dragged, and released again to create a second
BouncingGravityBall, the first BouncingGravityBall is
still in existence, and the paintComponent method had called
the first BouncingGravityBall's paint method and it is
in progress.
environment variable
collision detection
Breakout: a game using collision detection, built using the package above