Computer Science 225
Advanced Programming
Spring 2022, Siena College
Lecture 17: Recaps
Date: Friday, April 8, 2022
- Announcements
- Problem Set 6 due, will run the late clock at half speed (so
very small penalties) through the weekend, then will go over a
solution in class on Monday.
- Lab 9: Working with Regular Expressions (in Canvas and GitHub) not due until after the break
- Final Project
- proposals due on Monday, but be sure you get them to me at
least before you leave for break
- Exam 2 info in the shared document linked in Canvas
- time conflicts? see me ASAP if we haven't agreed on
alternate arrangements
- In-class 15 recap
- Labs 7 and 8 recaps
- Break early - we have a programming contest to run!