Computer Science 225
Advanced Programming
Spring 2022, Siena College
Lecture 12: Introduction to Animation
Date: Monday, March 14, 2022
- Announcements
- Grading updates
- Lab 6: Quadtrees and More Java Graphics (in Canvas and GitHub) due the day
before your lab meeting this week
- Problem Set 5 due at the end of the week
- About Exam 1
- Finishing up the memory diagram for the DrawTriangles program
- Introduction to animation
- "active" objects
- the Thread class
- animation fundamentals
- Quick in-class exercise (3 points)
"In-class 12" in Canvas has a link to accept a repository that has a
modified version of the Falling Ball Demo example. Your task, which
we will work toward together, is to modify the program so the ball
accelerates due to gravity.
- Displaying images
- Threads to create additional objects
- multithreading
- thread of execution
- concurrent execution