Computer Science 225
Advanced Programming
Spring 2021, Siena College
Lecture 7: Abstract Classes
Date: Monday, March 15, 2021
- Announcements
- Tuesday office hours will be later than usual: 10-11:30, and
in person (with virtual option)
- Watch for an email when this week's lab groups and links are
ready to go
- Watch for an email introducing Problem Set 3 a little later
this week
- Lab 3: Introduction to Java Swing (in Canvas and GitHub) mostly done
- finish up at least 24 hours before your lab this week
- drop me and email or open an Issue when you'd like me to
check on anything, including the bonus functionality (which is a
pretty easy 10 points once you've gotten the rest of the code
- Problem Set 2 due tomorrow night already
- keep opening and commenting in GitHub Issues if you want me
to look at anything as you go (not required, but then you don't
have the opportunity to fix)
- Abstract classes
- Wrapping up the in-class work from Friday
- An inheritance case study
- Bailey's structure package lists
- concrete class
- abstract class