Computer Science 225
Advanced Programming
Spring 2021, Siena College
Lecture 5: Recaps and Problem Set 2 Intro (online asynchronous)
Date: Monday, March 8, 2021
- Announcements
- we're online asynchronous today because of this
- Lab 2: Java Interfaces (in Canvas and GitHub) due 24 hours before your lab this week
- Lab 3: Introduction to Java Swing (in Canvas and GitHub) will take place on
a normal schedule this week
- Watch the Lab 1: Java and Data Structures Refresher (in Canvas and GitHub)
recap video and make sure you understand all of the answers
- Watch the Problem Set 1 recap videos and make sure you
understand all of the sample solutions
- Read and get started on Problem Set 2
- links in Canvas
- form groups of 2 (if you wish) and create repositories (one
per group) by Wednesday
- We will continue with our current topic of inheritance when we
return to a regular class schedule on Friday