Computer Science 225
Advanced Programming
Spring 2021, Siena College
Lecture 19: Java Packages
Date: Monday, May 3, 2021
- Announcements
- Lab 8: Animation (in Canvas and GitHub)
- due 24 hours before your lab session this week
- if you have finished the required functionality (as many
have) and decide to go back to add some bonus functionality, be
sure to let me know so I notice it
- Final Project, into implementation
- Exam 2 grading status
- Problem Set 6, please create your repositories soon
- Plug: CSIS electives in the fall
- A class conflict from wildcard imports
- Java Packages
- protection levels
- creating our own packages
- factoring out code from our graphics/GUI and animation examples
- TwoTimers: a class conflict from wildcard imports
- ThreadGraphicsPackage: creating your own package, base classes to factor out some code common to graphics animations