Computer Science 225
Advanced Programming
Spring 2021, Siena College
Lecture 15: Threads and Animation
Date: Monday, April 19, 2021
- Announcements
- Lab 7: Recursive Graphics and Graphics Objects (in Canvas and GitHub) due as
usual 24 hours before your lab this week
- Problem Set 4 now on the late clock
- Problem Set 5 information
- Final Project information
- Exam 2 information
- will take place the middle of next week
- still awaiting over 1/3 of the responses for time availability
- this one's 20% of the course grade
- topics will be up to Problem Set 5, Lecture 14 (except
animation and threads), and Lab 7
- expect a similar format as Exam 1
- more information to come
- More on the falling ball animation
- Quick in-class exercise (3 points)
You were sent a link to accept a repository that has a modified
version of the Falling Ball Demo example. Your task, which we will
work toward together, is to modify the program so the ball
accelerates due to gravity.
- Displaying images
- Threads to create additional objects
- Additional in-class exercise (5 points)
Let's make the SnowScene example have a
shifting wind.
You will be sent a link to accept a repository that has a modified
version of the SnowScene example. Your task, which we will work
toward together, is to modify the program so the snowflakes all
change x velocities due to a shifting wind.