Computer Science 225
Advanced Programming
Spring 2021, Siena College
Lecture 14: Introduction to Animation
Date: Monday, April 12, 2021
- Announcements
- Tuesday office hours will be by appointment only, Friday
office hours cancelled (but see below)
- Lab 6: Quadtrees and More Java Graphics (in Canvas and GitHub) due as
usual 24 hours before your lab this week
- Problem Set 4
- Grading update: Exam 1 (look again for comments) and Problem
Set 3 (see your repositories)
- About mid-semester grades
- No synchronous class on Friday
- I will be attending and helping to run a conference
(from my office)
- watch your email later in the week for some videos to
watch/examples to study/tasks to complete
- when not in sessions/needed for conference management, I
will have my door open for anyone looking for help
- Finishing up the memory diagram for the triangles
- Custom graphics objects: see the shapes in DragMany
- Introduction to animation
- multithreading
- thread of execution
- concurrent execution