Computer Science 225
Advanced Programming
Spring 2020, Siena College
Lecture 8: More Inheritance
Date: Friday, February 7, 2020
- Announcements
- Lab 2: Introduction to Java Swing due in
your labs next week, take advantage of those bonus points
- Problem Set 2 is on the late clock, last commit time will be your timestamp
- If you haven't yet accepted the GitHub invitation to join the @SienaCSISAdvancedProgramming/spring2020 team, please do so
- With the weather turning this afternoon, no 2:30 office hours
- Problem Set 3 introduction
- group formation (groups required this time)
- More Inheritance
- java.lang.Object and the superclass hierarchy
- UML class diagrams
- subtypes
- In-class group exercises (we might not get to all, 5 points)
- an Iterator that reverses the output order of another Iterator
- an Iterator that sorts the output order of another Iterator based on a Comparator
- an Iterator that returns values produced by another Iterator filtered by a predicate function
- specialization
- subtype
- type conversion
- widening conversion
- narrowing conversion/downcasting
- subtype polymorphism
- override
- dynamic binding of method calls