Computer Science 225
Advanced Programming
Spring 2020, Siena College
Lecture 29: Jar Files, Collisions, and Branches in Git
Date: Monday, April 20, 2020
- Announcements
- Final Project
- please check my responses to your proposals if you have not done so
- about two weeks of implementation time
- Lab 8: Threads for Parallel Processing
- get my attention when you need things checked along the way
or when you're done
- it's an important topic for the course, so I want to make
sure everyone has a chance to get through it
- remains "due" this week, but I will accept through the
weekend without penalty
- in recognition of the effort many have put in to get this
one done, it will count as double (worth 200 points)
- Lab 9: Working with Regular Expressions is available
- synchronous lab meetings as usual, you are strongly
encouraged to do it then and get yourself a partner
- please use the Google Classroom documents for your written responses
- this lab will be the entirety of our coverage of this useful topic
- Creating and using Jar files
- Animation with Collisions (read/watch at your convenience)
- Using branches with Git
- we will work together to learn how to use branches
- you will earn 5 assignment points for having the end result in
the repository we'll create on GitHub
- classpath
- environment variable
- collision detection