Computer Science 210
Data Structures
Fall 2020, Siena College
Lecture 6: The ArrayList ADT
Date: Thursday, September 3, 2020
- Announcements
- Lab 1 due at the start of lab next week, please get items
checked before the start of lab (the sooner the better)
- Problem Set 1 group formation and registration (by sending an email) deadline is Friday night
- zyBook Assignment 1 due Sunday night
- A recap of last week's Thursday Group Work
- The ArrayList ADT
- arrays are great, but leave many details to the programmer,
and you would find yourself writing similar code over and over
- the ADT concept
- using Java's ArrayList
- basic ArrayList methods
- ArrayLists and primitive types, autoboxing and autounboxing
- the enhanced for loop
- methods operating on ArrayLists
- This week's Thursday Group Work
- extensible
- vector/array list
- abstract data type (ADT)
- linear search
- autoboxing, autounboxing
- iterate
- enhanced for loop