Computer Science 210
Data Structures
Fall 2020, Siena College
Lecture 5: Custom Classes; Memory Diagrams
Date: Tuesday, September 1, 2020
- Announcements
- Lab 1 due at the start of lab next week, please get items
checked before the start of lab (the sooner the better)
- Lab 1A grades are in your Google documents now, will be
incorportated into an overall Lab 1 grade when 1B is done
- zyBook Assignment 1 due September 6 (that date's coming fast)
- ask for help when needed!!
- Lab 0 recap: you need to show your code and output for each of
the yellow checkpoints!
- Problem Set 1 introduction
- A custom class: Ratio
- Drawing a memory diagram
- classes
- fields, instance variables
- methods, member methods
- object-oriented programming
- objects
- encapsulate
- constructor
- accessor method
- mutator method
- memory diagram
- class variable