Computer Science 210
Data Structures
Fall 2020, Siena College
Lecture 3: Java Review
Date: Thursday, August 27, 2020
- Announcements
- start recording of lectures, but will pause for group work
- Lab 0 due at the start of lab next week, in case you didn't finish
- zyBook Assignment 1 due September 6 (but do it sooner!)
- Watch for an email about the first part of Lab 1 that you can do ahead of time
- Tutoring is
available in RB 304 and RB 306, Sunday through Thursday evenings.
Please feel free to take advantage of this service!
- Note: terminology lists at the bottom of lecture pages
- Adjusting lab procedures
- last week was probably a first for all of us: trying to have
an in-person, collaborative lab when we're not supposed to get too
close to each other
- we need to stick to the protocols (cleaning before/after and
distancing) so maybe they can be relaxed as we go forward
- will pre-assign groups for next week, so you can do the
copying/sharing/etc of the lab document and other setup ahead of
- sit near (but not too near!) your group as soon as you come
into lab, close enough to hear each other but no need to be able
to see each others' screens directly
- will continue with Zoom breakout rooms for screen sharing, but
we can also do remote control of screens that should make
collaborating better
- About Java
- Data types, including arrays
- Two-dimensional arrays
- Scanner class examples: running an example from a GitHub repository
- it's linked below and from today's lecture page
- for now, we'll just download a .zip file of it, later will use Git more appropriately
- in BlueJ, choose the unzipped folder with "Open Non-BlueJ..."
- Week 1 Thursday Group Work
- primitive types
- precision
- accuracy
- reference
- address
- default value
- square array
- ragged array