Computer Science 210
Data Structures
Fall 2020, Siena College
Lecture 2: Introduction and Overview; Java Review
Date: Tuesday, August 25, 2020
- Welcome to Data Structures!
- Announcements
- Lab 0 due at the start of lab next week, in case you didn't finish
- zyBook Assignment 1 due September 6 (but do it sooner!)
- Introduction and overview
- Why take Data Structures?
- Why is programming so challenging?
- The object-oriented programming model
- Administrative tasks
- roll call, seating chart
- syllabus, course web site, canvas, GitHub
- advice: don't remain confused
- more about our textbook
- computer accounts and our IDE, BlueJ
- complete Online Class Recording Consent Form in Canvas
- take Quiz 0 in Canvas
- Running our Late example
- About Java
- Java in the World of Programming Languages
- object-oriented programming model
- encapsulation
- compiled languages
- bytecode
- binary