Computer Science 210
Data Structures
Fall 2020, Siena College
Lecture 11: Big O Complexity; Generic Classes
Date: Tuesday, September 15, 2020
- Announcements
- Problem Set 1 on the late clock
- Next zyBook assignment due September 27
- Problem Set 2 underway, form groups by tomorrow (email me)
- CSIS 201 "fallback" option
- there are many advantages (for just about anyone) and a few
disadvantages (in specific cases) to utilizing this if you are
having trouble keeping up in this class
- many extenuating circumstances led to the problems this
semester - so contact me if you are considering it - we are
doing this to help, not to shame or punish
- Lab 3 discussion
- use checkBounds
- use currentSize
- values in elements at currentSize and up are irrelevant, so don't worry about them
- draw pictures
- not due until September 28!
- Exam 1 information
- in class Thursday, September 24
- completed in Canvas
- lab time on Monday, September 21 is reserved for exam review
(we might move to an alternate location - watch your email)
- will have class as usual on new topics on Tuesday, September 22
- study guide linked from Canvas
- Complexity and asymptotic analysis: "Big O"
- Generic classes
- computational cost
- basic operation
- space cost
- trends
- asymptotic analysis
- Big O
- relative rates of growth
- order of growth/complexity
- constant, logarithmic, linear, quadratic, cubic, polynomial, exponential, factorial
- best/worst/average case complexity
- Pair-examples
- DoublePair
- ObjectPair
- GenericPair
- Spells-examples
- Arrays/SpellsArrays
- GenericPair/SpellsArrayGenericPair
- Association/SpellsArrayAssociation